JETAA Auckland activities

Ekiden 2014 – Victory is Sweet

~ Articles and photos by Jenni Pulman, JETAA Auckland ~

Saturday 11 October 2014 saw JETAA Auckland Chapter enter the “Usagi JETs” in the annual Rotorua Ekiden to contest the trophy which the NZJS “Kame Team” were currently holding.

This year the weather cooperated and we turned up for a 9:00 am start at the lakefront. Our first runner, Lawrence-sensei, was so keen that he jumped the gun and started off with the fancy dress teams, whereas the kame team waited to start with the rest of the un-costumed runners.

The first handover happened in the awesome atmosphere of the invigorating sounds of the Haere Mai Taiko drummers. Tanaka-san ran his entire section with a relaxed style and made good time to hand over to Shelley for the hilly back section.

She found the first “hill” within two steps of the start line and managed to roll her ankle in a pot hole but ran on with sheer determination and wicked facials. The second half of our race was run by our Polish triathlete, Pawel, who did the long fourth section, handed over to Jenni for the short fifth leg, and then ran again (the sixth leg) to the finish line.

Taking into account the 15 minute head-start, our usagi team still managed a net four minute win over the kame team to take back the trophy at the prize-giving buffet dinner.

Special mention needs to go to our genki supporters: Terumi-san, Mariko-san and Justin, who kept our spirits high and bodies nourished with delicious baking. However the dream team is likely to be no more after both Tanaka-san and Lawrence-sensei vacate the country in October 2015.

L to R: Shelley Butt, Dr Lawrence Marceau,
Jenni Pulman, Pawel Chalacis, Kyohei Tanaka

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  • 01_Participant Application Form

    02_Outline of the Local Government Exchange and Cooperation Seminar 2024

  • The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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  • The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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  • The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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  • The sister city relationship between Nagoya City and City of Sydney will celebrate its 45th anniversary in 2025.
    The Nagoya City official who came to Australia to participate in the Australian Multiculturalism Study Tour hosted by CLAIR Sydney, paid a visit to Sydney City Town Hall on Friday 24 November, and we assisted his visit. In addition to sharing information on the status of exchanges between the two cities’ sister zoos (Taronga Zoo and Higashiyama Zoo) and international exchanges in Nagoya City, a preliminary meeting was held for Deputy Mayor Matsuo’s visit to Sydney for December 2023.
    With the landmark year only two years away, CLAIR Sydney will continue to support the exchanges between the two cities.
  • The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

    View this Correspondence in PDF.

  • 2022/2023 CLAIR Forum

    On 3 March, CLAIR Sydney held the CLAIR Forum 2023 in collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney’s Institute for Public Policy and Governance (UTS: IPPG).

    This year’s theme was ‘Multisectoral Approach for Regional Revitalisation’. At the event, two members from CLAIR Sydney and Carol Mills from UTS: IPPG and Andrew Francis from Parkes Council made a comprehensive presentation each on local government policies and strategies that have revitalised local communities and economies in Japan and Australia during the current ongoing pandemic.

    Date: Friday 3 March 2023

    Venue: The Japan Foundation, Sydney – Seminar Room

    Speakers and topics:

    – Ms Shimizu (Assistant Director, CLAIR Sydney)

    Sustainable Urban Development Project in the Tokyo Bay Area

    – ​​ Prof Mills (Director, Institute for Public Policy and Governance, University of Technology Sydney)

    Local Governments Collaborating with Organisations for Sustainable Urban Development with Reference to Sydney Parklands

    – Mr Inoue (Assistant Director, CLAIR Sydney)

    Approaches taken by Mihara City to Tackle Population Decline

    – ​Mr Francis (Director Infrastructure and Strategic Futures, Parkes Council)

    Local Governments Collaborating with Organisations with Reference to the Parkes Special Activation Precinct

  • The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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  • The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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  • The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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