~ Article and photos from JETAA WA ~
JETAAWA has had a lot of things happening over the last few months, with attendance and participation continuing to be strong at our various events.
26 June: Outgoing JETs’ Q&A and Sayonara Evening
This annual evening is a chance for the outgoing JETs to ask questions and chat about their concerns in an informal environment – this follows from the more formal orientation provided by the Japanese Consulate-General. This year we were happy to welcome all 17 of the outgoing WA participants, with almost everyone sticking around for ramen afterwards.
11 July: Annual Winter Matsuri
This annual event is our chance to take the Japanese community of Perth (including ourselves!) on a tour of the picturesque Swan Valley for a day of food and wine tasting, natsukashii bus activities and making new friends.
22 July: Outgoing JETs Reception
WA’s new Consul-General, Mr Masanobu Yoshii, was kind enough to invite us to attend the formal reception for the outgoing JETs.
Aimi Bell gave a fantastic address on behalf of her fellow participants and we look forward to hearing about their experiences when they return.
8 August: Committee Chocolate Tasting
In 2015 JETAAWA is making a special effort to reward our fantastic committee of volunteers with extra activities – in August this was a special chocolate tasting with Nakamura Chocolates, a boutique chocolatier based in Perth.
17 September: Careers Night
The JETAAWA Careers Night has gone from strength to strength over the last couple of years, with over 80 attendees at our 2015 event at the University of Western Australia. We were once again most grateful to the speakers who came from industry, community and entrepreneurship to reflect on the opportunities that exist in relation to Japan. Many of them were also former JET participants, including members of our own committee, and it was great to see how their JET experience has shaped their future careers and personal development. Coming up in the next couple of months, we’ve got the Japanese Film Festival, Hanami, the World of Food Festival and more – we’ll also be unpacking the kakigori machines for the sweltering WA summer (35 degrees today!), so lots on the horizon for the JET Alumni Association of WA.
Best wishes to all,