

The 30th Lismore Lantern Parade

40th Anniversary ceremony of the Sister City Affiliation between Koshigaya City and Campbelltown

Global Cities New Zealand 2024 Annual Conference


30th Anniversary ceremony of the Sister City Affiliation between Canberra and Nara City 

First Anniversary Events of the Friendship City Affiliation between Moka City and Harvey City

30th Anniversary Reception of the Sister State Relationship between Okayama Prefecture and South Australia

Sister Cities Australia 2023 National Conference

Outbound Student Delegation farewelled by Campbelltown Council at a mayoral reception

35th Anniversary Events of the Sister City Affiliation between Sasebo City and City of Coffs Harbour

Koshigaya Inbound Delegation Welcome Reception

Taking part in the Lismore Lantern Parade


One-Year Anniversary of Mihara and Palmerston North City Partnership

Visit to Hutt City Council in New Zealand

SCNZ Central New Zealand Regional Forum

Reception Celebrating the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan in Sydney

The Canterbury Region Sister City Forum

Kagoshima-Perth Sister City 45th Anniversary Celebration


Minokamo-Dubbo Sister City 30th Anniversary Celebration

Supporting Activity for Shibetsu City

Supporting Activity for Students from Sannohe

Delegation from Sannohe Visited their Sister City, Tamworth

Campbelltown-Koshigaya Sister City 35th Anniversary Celebration

35th Anniversary Events of the Queensland and Saitama Sister State-Prefecture Relationship

Saitama Parliamentary Association for Japan-Australia Friendship Australia Delegation Visited CLAIR Sydney 

The Organising Committee of the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Visited CLAIR Sydney Office

Otsu City Delegation Visited Their Friendship City Mosman

Sister Cities Australia Forum 2019

Sydney Running Festival and Expo

The Official Welcome Reception of 2019 Kawasaki Junior Cultural Prize

Junior High School Students from Ube City Visited CLAIR Sydney

Visit to the Papatoetoe Olympic Weightlifting Club

Supporting Activity for High School Students from Nagoya

Support Activities for students from Toda City

Support Activities for Nagoya City

CLAIR Sydney at the Lismore Lantern Parade

Sister City relationship signing ceremony between Mihara, Japan and Palmerston North, New Zealand

Sister Cities New Zealand Conference 2019

Imperial Decoration Conferment Ceremony for Mrs Jenny Dowell

Conferment of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays, upon Ms Madeleine Rennie

Nagaizumi-cho and Whanganui Sister City Relationship 30th Anniversary Celebration


40th Anniversary of Sister City Relationship Between Osaka and Melbourne

SCA Annual General Meeting

The 30-year anniversary of the Coffs Harbour-Sasebo City relationship

The official reception of Kawasaki Junior Cultural Prize

The 30-year anniversary celebration of Kyotamba and Hawkesbury sister city relationship

30-year anniversary of the Sister City relationship between Wollongong and Kawasaki

The 10th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Timaru and Eniwa


CLAIR Sydney attended the Reception for the Promotion of Exchange between Japan and WA at Local Levels

2017 Annual General Meeting of Sister Cities Australia

Canberra Nara Candle Festival

Visit to Father Paul Glynn – A Benefactor of the Australia-Japan Friendship

Promoting Japan at the 2017 Local Government New Zealand Conference

National General Assembly of Australian Local Government Association

2017 Sister Cities New Zealand Conference in Invercargill

The New Edogawa-Central Coast Sister City Relationship 

The Hobart-Yaizu Sister City 40th Anniversary!


Taronga Zoo’s Centenary Celebration

Nagoya City’s Courtesy Call to Sydney Town Hall

JET Programme’s 30th Anniversary

Nagoya city support at the 2016 Sydney Running Festival

Supporting Nagoya city’s activities

Sister city activities between Wollongong and Kawasaki

30th Anniversary of Mildura-Kumatori Sister city exchange programme

Supporting the Joetsu and Cowra friendship

Northern Beaches Council (Manly) Odawara student exchange

Ube Students visit Newcastle on a youth exchange programme

Leaving on a JET plane for Lower Hutt’s sister city in Minoh, Japan

Supporting Matsudo city at Prahran Market and the Japan Festival

2016 Sister Cities New Zealand Conference in Nelson

Meeting with Sister City New Zealand

25th Anniversary of Chuo – Surtherland Sister City Relations

Information on Japanese Local Government System and JET Programme shared in New Zealand


Latrobe City Sister Cities Festival

50th anniversary of Ikeda and Launceston Sister City Relationship

Sister city relationships have a lot of potential

2016 Sister Cities New Zealand Conference in Nelson – registrations now open

Mayors sign historic wetlands agreement

Sister City Forum at Adelaide Town Hall

Central New Zealand Regional Focus Group Meeting in Wellington

2015 National Sister Cities Australia (SCA) Conference

The Canberra-Nara Candle Festival

Runner from Nagoya places fourth at the 2015 Sydney Running Festival!

Exchange staff between Koshigaya and Campbelltown

Cairns to Japan Student Scholarship Program

Student exchange an eye-opening experience

Celebration for the 35th Anniversary of Victoria-Aichi sister-state relationship

Minami Alps Students Visit Queanbeyan

Port Macquarie Hastings and Handa commemorate 25th Anniversary

Penrith, Fujieda and Hakusan Sister City Activities

25th Anniversary “Tokimeki International School”

24th Kawasaki Junior Cultural Prize winners’ visit to Wollongong

Nagoya City High School Students Visiting Sydney

Ube Students Visit Newcastle

Students Coming to Hurstville from Shiroishi City

Japanese Diet Member Gaku Hashimoto Visits Christchurch

Tree Planting at Taronga Zoo in memory of former Higashiyama Zoo director Mr Kashima

Assisting Matsudo city at the Japan Festival

Sister Cities New Zealand Conference in Wellington

Sister Cities New Zealand Workshop at Government House

Sydney-Nagoya 35th Anniversary Preparations

Victoria-Aichi 35th Sister State Relationship Anniversary Preparations

Supporting Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture with the Sister City Activities with Whitehorse City

Sister Cities Festival Planning and Economic Sustainability –Latrobe City and Takasago City

Presentation for Ikeda City’s Mayor on Australia Sister City Activities


Sister City honoured on Anniversary – The relationship between Brisbane and Kobe –

The Chairperson Mr Okamoto’s first visit to Western Australia

Queanbeyan Sister City Bi-Annual Student Exchange to Minami Alps

30th Anniversary of Sister City relationship between Koshigaya and Campbelltown

The Canberra-Nara Candle Festival 2014

Sister Cities 2014 Music Exchange

30th anniversary of sister city relationship between Campbelltown and Koshigaya

International friends celebrate old ties in new ways ~the 51st Anniversary of Japan-Australia first sister city, Lismore and Yamato Takada~

Edogawa Rotarians visit Gosford

Lockyer Valley and Ageo City sign Friendship Agreement

Celebrating 20th Anniversary of Wellington and Sakai’s Sister City relationship

23rd Kawasaki Junior Cultural Prize winners’ visit to Wollongong

40th Anniversary of Perth-Kagoshima Sister City relationship

Bankstown Bites focused Japanese cuisine – 25th Anniversary of Sister City relationship between Bankstown and Suita

70th Anniversary of The Cowra Breakout

Supporting Sister City related activities ~Hurtsville City and Shiroishi City, Miyagi Prefecture~

Supporting Sister City related activities ~Manly City and Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture~

A delegation from Otsu in Shiga prefecture visits Mosman

Sugito Athletes take on Sunsmart Ironman Busselton 70.3

Bathurst Regional Council’s Ohkuma Delegation – April/May 2014-

Thousands Say Konnichiwa to Festival

Sister City Exchange between Sannohe and Tamworth

Sister Cities New Zealand Conference in Gore, South Island

Mayor of Yaizu visits Hobart


Queanbeyan’s Sister City Anniversary Visit to Minami Alps Japan October 2013

Sister City Activities between Bankstown and Suita

Sister Cities and Economic Development

The Christchurch Kurashiki Sister City Committee 40th Anniversary Inbound Delegation 17-18th November 2013

Celebration the 20th anniversary of Sister City Partnership with the City of Port Phillip and Obu

2013 Sister Cities Australia (SCA) National Conference in Broken Hill

The friendship of the 25th anniversary of the Gosford Sister City relationships with Edogawa and Nitra (29 August, 2013)

Reaffirmation of the Sister City relationship between Coffs Harbour and Sasebo at their 25th anniversary ceremony (23 August, 2013)

Sister City Exchange between Kawasaki and Wollongong (21 August, 2013)

Australia-Japan Sister Cities 50th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony

Grass Roots Student Exchange (Hurstville-Shiroishi, Manly-Odawara)

Suita city and Bankstown grass-roots sister city activities

Snow Monkey Town seeks Koala Sister City!

Visiting City of Perth and WALGA

Opening of The Hyogo Friendship Garden in Perth

Networking dinner with Japan-related organisations in Perth

The Japan Sister Cities Forum in WA

2013 Sister Cities New Zealand Conference


20th Anniversary of the Lake Macquarie – Hakodate Sister City Relationship

Sister Cities Australia 2012

2012 Nara Candle Festival in Canberra

21st Kawasaki Junior Cultural Prize Presentation

30th Anniversary of the Manly – Taito Sister-City Relationship