Blog Archives

[December 2024] EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Opens in April 2025

Did you know that one of the oldest and largest international events is happening in Japan next year? EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan will take place from 13 April t…

[November 2024] Electoral system of the House of Representatives in Japan

As you may be aware from the news, a general election for the members of the House of Representatives was held in Japan last month on 27 October. As electoral system…

[October 2024] Special ThanksーCelebrating the 30th Anniversary

We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your continued support.

CLAIR Sydney is celebrating its 30th anniversary this October 2024. We would like …

[September 2024] Applications for the Local Government Exchange and Cooperation Seminar now open!

One of the major events CLAIR hosts is the Local Government Exchange and Cooperation Seminar, which is an annual program to promote mutual understanding and for…

[August 2024] Local Allocation Tax – important revenue for local autonomy

In this month’s issue, I would like to discuss about the Local Allocation Tax, a crucial revenue source for Japanese prefectural and municipal governments, wit

[July 2024] Attractions of the JET Programme

It’s that time of year again. Many of our new JET Programme participants have departed for Japan.

The JET Programme, which began in 1987, aims to foster mut…

[June 2024] Difference in the local government revenue structure in Japan and Australia/New Zealand

I became interested in the difference in the revenue structure of the local government in Japan and Australia/New Zealand, while revising the “Local Governmen…

[April 2024] The Difference in Staff Recruitment and Promotion in Local Government Between Japan and Australia/New Zealand

One of our important missions is to conduct research on Australian and New Zealand local governments and create reports for the benefit of Japanese local govern

[March 2024] Reconnecting Between Sister Cities After the Pandemic and Farewell to Our Staff

We attended the Global Cities New Zealand Conference held in Marlborough on 14 and 15 March, where I had the precious opportunity to present on Japan-partner sis…

[February 2024] Disaster Management-2024 CLAIR Forum applications are now open!

In Japan, natural disasters such as typhoons, heavy rain, and floods occur in some areas every year. Local governments affected by disasters have not only have m…


  •  12月3~13日、福岡県水泳連盟の選抜選手8名がNSW州を訪問し、現地の学校との合同練習とNSW州の大会に参加しました。
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    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.
    View this Correspondence in PDF.



  • *English only.

    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

    View this Correspondence in PDF.


  • *English only.

    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

    View this Correspondence in PDF.

  • *English only.

    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

    View this Correspondence in PDF.

  • *English only.

    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

    View this Correspondence in PDF.

  •  環境問題への取組を調査するため、7月下旬~8月上旬にかけて滋賀県立彦根工業高等学校の高校生1名および引率者1名がオーストラリアを訪問し、クレアシドニー事務所は、7月29日にはオーストラリアの概要(文化、風習等)についてブリーフィングを実施し、7月31日にはブリスベンの訪問先企業へのアテンド行いました。



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    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

    View this Correspondence in PDF.

  • *English only.

    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

    View this Correspondence in PDF.