[March 2020]
Networks with Past Participants of CLAIR’s Annual Local Government Exchange & Cooperation Seminar

For the past twenty-five years, CLAIR has been holding the Local Government Exchange & Cooperation Seminar every financial year which offers eligible participants in Australia and New Zealand the opportunity to visit Japan and exchange ideas and expertise with Japanese public servants on recent challenges faced by local governments. Under the Seminar program in recent years, every year, five successful applicants from Australia and New Zealand have been visiting Tokyo and a chosen regional area for over a week to learn about Japanese local governments and culture.

In the Seminar held in this financial year, five participants from local governments and a university in Australia and New Zealand had a very productive 10-days in Tokyo and Miyakonojo City in Miyazaki Prefecture. The theme for this financial year’s seminar was ‘Encouraging Local Development through Primary Industries: Local Industry Promotion’. Participants learned not only theoretical aspects of the Japanese local government system, but also had first-hand experiences in learning about local government issues in Japan such as primary industries promotion, regional revitalisation, and initiatives to tackle the declining birth-rate and population in regional areas.

From time to time, staff of CLAIR Sydney meet with past participants to catch up with them and discuss recent challenges in local governments. We also invite them to visit us at booths we run at various conferences held by organisations such as the Australian Local Government Association, Local Government New Zealand, Local Government Professionals Australia, Local Government NSW and the New Zealand Society of Local Government Managers, as well as events we organise such as the annual CLAIR Forum.

CLAIR Sydney highly values the networks we have with past participants of the Seminar, and we are also extremely pleased to see the development of networks amongst the past participants. We believe through these networks, we can share knowledge and ideas on recent local government challenges and join force to establish and maintain good relations with the wider network of local governments in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. We hope that the networks between CLAIR Sydney and the past participants, as well as the extended networks amongst the past participants, will remain strong and that they will bring positive influences on local governments of Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.


カテゴリー: From the Executive Director


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  • 2023/2024 CLAIR Forum 

    開催日 2024年3月11日(月)

    テーマ Disaster Management and Resilience

    会場 The Japan Foundation, Sydney – Seminar Room(オンライン同時配信)

    主催 クレアシドニー事務所

    共催 シドニー工科大学公共政策研究所 (UTS:IPPG)



    ① 竹村所長補佐(総務省)


    ② 國﨑所長補佐(福岡県庁)



    「世界津波の日」制定の由来となった和歌山県出身 浜口梧陵の逸話に触れるとともに、和歌山県の特徴的な災害対策として、避難先の安全レベルの設定や、移動式給油機「どこでもスタンド」、出張防災教育について説明しました。

    ④Nicole Parsons 氏( Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation )
    ※当日欠席のため、Vanessa Chan氏が代読

    Illawarra Shoalhaven地域の災害リスク低減のため、地方自治体やパートナーと連携したインフラの耐久性向上や地理的データのアクセス向上、また、環境モニタリングや早期警告システムの開発などの取り組みについて説明がありました。





    ⑦Tommaso Briscese氏、Miriam Wassef 氏(Burwood Council)

    Burwood Councilにおける、 COVID-19の対応や復興の取り組みとして、コミュニティへのケアや、地域経済復興のための中小企業への財政支援、人的交流を促進させるイベントや空間づくりについて説明がありました。


    Q&Aセッションでは、参加者から多くの質問をいただき意見交換ができました。最後にCarol Mills氏が、フォーラム全体を振り返りつつ、締めくくりを行いました。



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  •  12月3~13日、福岡県水泳連盟の選抜選手8名がNSW州を訪問し、現地の学校との合同練習とNSW州の大会に参加しました。
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    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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  • *English only.

    The latest issue of our correspondence is released.

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