Welcome to Hakusan City

Hakusan City is located in Ishikawa Prefecture to the southwest of the prefectural capital city, Kanazawa. With a total change in elevation of about 2,700m from the mountains to the coast, the Hakusan City area is abundant with natural features; including one of the three famous Japanese mountains, sacred Mt. Hakusan, the Tedori River, fertile plains and beautiful white sand beaches on the Japan Sea that are accented by fresh green pine trees.

The entire area of Hakusan City has been designated as a Japan Geopark as the “Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark.” Additionally, from May of this year, the Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark received its designation as a UNESCO Global Geopark. Geoparks are important areas where the formation of the Earth can be understood and with their beautiful scenery, are also used for sight-seeing.

Furthermore, Geoparks are not just for the protection and preservation of nature, they are also connected to education, regional revitalisation and the promotion of tourism as their own special brand known as “Geotourism.” Come see and experience the stunning sites that are born through the journeys that water and stone made as they flow from Mt. Hakusan to the sea, aptly named the “Journey of Water,” and the “Journey of Stone.”


Hakusan City entered a friendship city agreement with Penrith, New South Wales in 1989. Over 30 years have passed since this agreement and through deep bonds, Hakusan and Penrith have built a relationship of trust and friendship. High school homestay exchange has been done since 1993, making this year the 30th anniversary of the program. The high school homestay exchange program has been cancelled since 2020 due to the COVID-19, but this summer marks the restart of the program with Hakusan sending 12 high school students for homestay in Penrith. For the youth of both cities, who will become the future leaders of their generations, time living together on homestay where cultural differences will be overcome, will become a treasured memory and an experience that will lead to a more global way of thinking.

Penrith also has the scheduled opening of the West Sydney Airport in 2026 which will make the distance between the two cities closer and hopefully open up many more opportunities for various exchanges. We are hoping that the friendship between Hakusan and Penrith will deepen even further from these developments.

カテゴリー: Discover Japan


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  • 2023/2024 CLAIR Forum 

    開催日 2024年3月11日(月)

    テーマ Disaster Management and Resilience

    会場 The Japan Foundation, Sydney – Seminar Room(オンライン同時配信)

    主催 クレアシドニー事務所

    共催 シドニー工科大学公共政策研究所 (UTS:IPPG)



    ① 竹村所長補佐(総務省)


    ② 國﨑所長補佐(福岡県庁)



    「世界津波の日」制定の由来となった和歌山県出身 浜口梧陵の逸話に触れるとともに、和歌山県の特徴的な災害対策として、避難先の安全レベルの設定や、移動式給油機「どこでもスタンド」、出張防災教育について説明しました。

    ④Nicole Parsons 氏( Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation )
    ※当日欠席のため、Vanessa Chan氏が代読

    Illawarra Shoalhaven地域の災害リスク低減のため、地方自治体やパートナーと連携したインフラの耐久性向上や地理的データのアクセス向上、また、環境モニタリングや早期警告システムの開発などの取り組みについて説明がありました。





    ⑦Tommaso Briscese氏、Miriam Wassef 氏(Burwood Council)

    Burwood Councilにおける、 COVID-19の対応や復興の取り組みとして、コミュニティへのケアや、地域経済復興のための中小企業への財政支援、人的交流を促進させるイベントや空間づくりについて説明がありました。


    Q&Aセッションでは、参加者から多くの質問をいただき意見交換ができました。最後にCarol Mills氏が、フォーラム全体を振り返りつつ、締めくくりを行いました。



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  •  12月3~13日、福岡県水泳連盟の選抜選手8名がNSW州を訪問し、現地の学校との合同練習とNSW州の大会に参加しました。
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