~ Article and photos from Queanbeyan City Council ~
Tree Planting in Sister City Park
Queanbeyan’s valued relationship with Sister City Minami Alps was strengthened recently when a group of students and teachers from the Japanese region visited Queanbeyan for ten days from 30 July to 7 August 2015. Eight students and two chaperones visited with all participants being home hosted.
During their stay the group enjoyed so much that is on offer in Queanbeyan and Canberra including trips to the Australian National Museum, the National Gallery and Questacon. As is a tradition the group planted a tree in Sister City Park Queanbeyan.
A highlight of the trip was getting up close and personal with kangaroos (on the local Queanbeyan Golf Course), sampling traditional foods (kangaroo, emu and crocodile) and participating in sheep shearing. Another highlight was a day spent at Karabar High School.
With Mayor Tim Overall, General Manager Peter Tegart and Sister City With Mayor Tim Overall, General Manager Peter Tegart and Sister City Co-ordinator Helen Hone
Parliament House Canberra
Chaperones Kaori Hara and Hajime Niitsu