JET Programme Returnee Welcome Reception in Sydney
JETAA Oceania Conference 2024 in Christchurch
Oct JET Programme Returnee Welcome Reception held in Melbourne
Aug JET Programme Pre-Departure Orientation in Auckland
July JET Programme Farewell Reception in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Wellington and Auckland
June JET Programme Pre-departure Orientations in Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Christchurch and Wellington
March JET Programme Returnee Welcome Reception in Sydney
November JET Programme Returnee Welcome Reception in Brisbane
JETAA Oceania Conference in Melbourne
August JET Programme Pre-Departure Orientation & Farewell Reception in Auckland
July JET Programme Farewell Reception in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
July JET Programme Pre-Departure Orientation in Sydney and Perth
June JET Programme Pre-Departure Orientation in Christchurch, Wellington, Melbourne and Brisbane
JET Programme Returnees Reception (Wellington)
JET Programme New Returnees Reception in Christchurch
JETAA New Zealand Summit in Christchurch
JET Returnee Welcome Reception in Auckland
The JET Programme Returnees Networking Reception in Brisbane
JET Returnee Welcome Function in Melbourne
JET Programme Returnees Reception (Perth)
JETAA Oceania Conference in Sydney: 30th Anniversary of JETAA
CLAIR Sydney staff member attended Macquarie University
2019 JET Programme Pre-Departure Orientations and Farewell Receptions
Send-off Receptions for new JET Programme participants
2019 JET Programme Pre-Departure Orientation
Pre-departure Orientations for new JET programme participants
JET Programme Returnee and Alumni Career Networking Seminar
UQ Careers Fair 2019
JET Programme Welcome Back Receptions
JETAA Oceania Conference
The UQ Careers Fair 2018
CLAIR staff visited Dunedin in NZ